Privacy Policy

Website Use and Confidentiality/Privacy Agreement(s)

ONPAR. may change this agreement at any time. Your continued access and use of the ONPAR Solutions website will be your acceptance of the changed agreement.

Confidentiality/Privacy Agreement

This confidentiality agreement is entered into by and between YOU and ONPAR. in your role as a person with access to the ONPAR website. In the statements below, YOU and ONPAR. are referred to individually as the “Party” and together as the “Parties.” Since the Parties agree to enter into a confidentiality arrangement where information is shared the Parties acknowledge that any information or data, whether printed, written, oral or electronically stored or reproduced is confidential, and that both Parties intend that the information remain confidential (“Confidential Material”). The confidential information may be provided voluntarily or in response to specific inquiry, which may include to the extent allowed by local, state, provincial and federal law. Please read the following for specifics of the terms of the Confidentiality Agreement.

What You Should Know

The information on the ONPAR. website is for general information purposes, as a convenience to our clients. The material is not a substitute for getting advice from one of our billing professionals regarding your Accounts Receivable or with regards to intellectual property. Consult one of our billing professionals for more complete and updated information.

ONPAR. will not be liable for any damages arising out of the use of this website, or any other hyper-linked website. This includes, any lost profits, business interruption, loss of programs or data on your equipment, or otherwise, even if ONPAR. is advised of the possibility of such damage.

Information contained on this website will be changed and/or updated without notice. Therefore, information contained on the ONPAR. website may be out of date at any given time ONPAR. may also make improvements and/or changes to the website at any time without notice.

Privacy Agreement with ONPAR.

This agreement is between you and ONPAR. ONPAR is the provider of online information, transactions and communication Services. When you have authorized access to your group specific billing information on the ONPAR website, you agree to the following:

Consent to Electronic Transactions

I, the User, and ONPAR acknowledge and agree that all electronic transactions of information made during the term of this Agreement are binding by law. I understand that my consent, when issued electronically by use of my personal information or passwords, bears the same legal authority as my written signature and is binding by law.

I, the User, understand that I may NOT copy, print, and/or store any of the information that appears on the web screens of any page on the ONPAR website. If paper documentation is needed I, the User, understand that I am responsible for requesting the information from ONPAR by calling 1.800.667.2465 and asking to speak to a member of the ONPAR. Practice Management team or a member of the Accounts Receivable Team. I and ONPAR. agree that certain minimum hardware and software are needed to make electronic transactions of information. I may terminate this Agreement if I am not able to communicate electronically under these or any new technical requirements.


Commitment to Confidentiality

Confidentiality is a top priority at ONPAR. We are committed to ensuring the security and confidentiality of all Electronic Protected Information on the ONPAR website. The following agreement describes how we conduct electronic business with you through this website.

Privacy and Confidentiality Standards

Our Privacy Policy.

ONPAR recognizes the need to maintain confidentiality of all electronic information displayed on our website and is committed to protecting the privacy of each user in so much as it is within our control. I, the User, understand that it my responsibility to clear my Internet cache regularly to prevent unauthorized access of the ONPAR website based on my access of the ONPAR website.

I, the User, understand that I may NOT copy, print, and/or store on my local computer any of the information that appears on the web screens of any page on the ONPAR. website, unless given expressed permission in writing by a company officer of ONPAR.


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